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Emotional Health

Emotional Health encompasses a lot of this things ranging from feelings, expressions of those feelings, and behaviors that come as a result of those feelings. These feelings could be good or bad, motivating or dangerous. Another aspects to emotions are there influence in our well-being. some emotions can make us prone to good health, not so good, and bad health.

Some people see expressing emotions in a negative way, and see those who express their emotions are weak, but this is not true. In fact, I consider people that express what they feel as brave. Although, it is important to keep in mind to express ones emotions in a constructive manner that will foster personal as well as professional growth and wellness. Emotions are part of us as humans, so why shouldn't one express what he or she feels?

How to express emotions to foster good well-being

1. Own your feelings and believe they are valid. Only you feel the way you feel.

2. Give your self time and opportunity to find ways to handle them. This is an important aspect of emotional wellness as well as well-being in the long run because if you handle them wrongly, they are likely to come back at you in a not so good way.

example of how to handle emotions: exercise, build healthy relationships, share with others how you feel *people you trust won't use you weakness against you and will genuinely help you*

3. Practice good relaxation exercises e.g. music, conscious relaxation,deep breathing, meditating.

Why this is important to health and wellness?

There are evidence supporting how the the mind interact with the rest of the body systems. This interaction is called Psychoneuroimmunology: This is how the brain and emotions and behavior affect immune cells.

immune cells are the cells in the body that defend the body from illness.

Basically, if an individual has distorted feelings or emotions usually for a long period of time, the brain pick up these physiological responses, in this case emotions. The brain and immune system has a point where they are connected, if the response brain pick up is not a good response, this suppress the immune cells, this prevent the immune system from fighting against illness.

Note: This is a personal blog and the writer explain concepts to the best of her ability, but this information is not a substitute to medical advice.

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